Complied by Kevin Schultz, Enrique, Ahem and Jesse.




11. When Supergirl is actually the one to save Midvale from the rampaging tractor, Selena and Bianca see it all happening through the magic mirror. When they first see Supergirl fly onto the scene, Bianca (again) stupidly says "…a storm dragon?" Does Supergirl LOOK like a storm dragon? What the hell IS a storm dragon? And what the hell would a STORM dragon being doing in the middle of Midvale on a bright and sunny day??


12. When Lucy wakes up on the crashed tractor, she catches a glimpse of Linda and Ethan playing tonsil hockey in the woods nearby. A look of surprise takes up her face and then…that's it. Who ripped pages out of the script?! Where does this go? Does Lucy get jealous and threaten to kill Linda over Ethan? Does Lucy run to Selena and tattle on Linda? Why doesn't Lucy ever come up to Linda and playfully elbow and wink at her? Or why doesn't she ever ask Linda what the hell she was doing on the other side of town sucking face with Ethan when she was supposed to be at Popeye's watching Lucy trying to get her stupid self killed??


13. Selena's failed attempt prompts her to try again, this time with an invisible monster sent to Linda's dorm to kill her for 'stealing' Selena's hunk (pretty severe punishment for taking someone's man, don't ya think?). But Linda morphs into Supergirl and tries to defeat the invisible beast. The beast picks her up like a rag doll and tosses her around, breaking things. Then it picks up Supergirl and slams her into a lamppost. If you'll look carefully, you'll notice that Supergirl never actually HITS the lamppost. She stops about two feat away from it (as if hitting it) and the falls to the ground before ripping said lamppost and charging it with lighting and sending that beastly sucker back to…


14. Hey! Where DID that thing go? Obviously the bolts of electricity hurt it and sent it back the way it came. But does that mean the beast ran off to die? Ran away to join the circus? What? Why didn't Supergirl just kill the thing and have it vaporize into thin air like most deaths of evil superbeasts? Nope, as it runs away, we get a look on Supergirl's face that says "That'll teach you to mess with the daughter of Alura and Zor-El of Argo City!"


15. I find it highly impossible that no one saw this little battle happen. Three-day weekend or not, I doubt that everyone was conveniently away from their dorms while this happened. What about "drunk-as-a-skunk" Mrs. Murphy? All she had to say to Supergirl was "Cover your legs!"


16. Right before the flying bumper car (definitely kiddie fare) sequence, Supergirl imprisons do-badder Selena with poles in the ground all around her. But as you see Supergirl zip into superspeed while doing so, the pile of poles leaning near her never decreases as she yanks pole after pole and throws them javelin-style at Selena. I know, I know, optical magic, yes..but they could have shortened the pile of poles somehow while this was happening.


17. Back to Bianca…Here we have Selena kissing Nigel's butt for help to get Ethan away from Supergirl in order to capture her. When they manage to combine forces and transport Ethan from the beach into a chain-shackled bed, Bianca opens up her big mouth and out comes another idiotic question: "How'd you do that!?" Magic, my dear…magic. Get that damn 80s coif out of your eyes!


18. Selena tricks Supergirl into a Phantom Zone transport disc. As the disc floats away toward outer space, we see an aerial shot of the Earth as Supergirl is seen in the disc from the chest up, flipping up and down (there isn't even an upside down shot of her as it does this) toward the Phantom Zone. Cut to: Supergirl in disc seen in full-body shot as the disc now flips horizontally (again, no reflection shot as if she's standing still inside a revolving disc).


19. During the protest scene in Midvale (while Selena reigns in supreme), Lucy rubs Selena the wrong way and yells about how her roommate disappeared the day Selena's mountain appeared. Selena and Bianca turn to each other and chorus "The Wimp!" and she orders the guards to seize Lucy and Jimmy. How in the world did they make such a chance connection? As far as I know, they only knew Linda as 'The wimp' as opposed to her actual name. And what was the point in seizing Lucy and Jimmy? Selena knew she had gotten rid of Supergirl for good in the Phantom Zone, so it's not like she was going to use them as bait.


20. Alas Supergirl DOES come back..and she does it with such a twister-like vengeance. But first…let's review. The chain balls drop, she saves her friends and they run off to safety. Selena zaps the wall behind Supergirl and bricks come falling down. Watch out Supergirl, you might get scratched! Then, Selena brings the floor to life, causing Stupidgirl to fall down and…crawl on the floor? Then Stupidgirl is nearly crushed by a falling statue! Whew, that was close! Someone tell me..why didn't Supergirl just FLY over the floor? If she had done that and cut straight to the chase, Selena could have been defeated in record time.


21. Last but not least, is Argo City even still ALIVE after all this time?? According to the novel, while in the binary, she went from being 15 to 18 years old by the time she reached earth (in the film, you can tell the difference in her face from her Argo status to Supergirl status that she aged). Supposedly, she went through a warp..or something…but does that mean Argo is in innerspace long dead for three years of Argonian time while Supergirl's off gallivanting around Earth on a pointless mission for an energized Pokéball!? Or has it only been three or four days since the Omegheddron was lost? It just doesn't seem to make any sense to me. I try and try but nothing fits for this puzzle.

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