Category: Reviews

Review: SUPERGIRL #53

After the end of the long New Krypton crossover, Supergirl #53 continues the story that Sterling Gates began setting up way back in Supergirl #34 with the introduction of the Linda Lang secret identity. I was very eager to move on from War of the Supermen, but I couldn’t imagine how Supergirl would go on after such devastation.

Review: Wonder Woman #600

Wonder Woman #600 is awesome and a great buy. This thing is jam-packed. There are a ton of great ministories and an endless stream of amazing pin-ups (with...

Review: War of the Supermen #1-3

This miniseries should have been called “The Big Giant Status Quo Reset”, or, “Everyone and everything you liked about New Krypton gets destroyed, but Luthor lives.” I’ve moved...

Review: Supergirl #51

This issue starts off really well with a tension-building scene. A group science guild children have escaped the devastating attack underway on Kandor, their teachers trying to keep them from realizing what’s happening. But these children have superpowers, and superhearing… One cute little girl removes her headgear to tell them that she can hear the people screaming :(

Review: Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1

Brainiac is back: his scary spaceship-head-o-doom hovers ominously over New Krypton and the inhabitants on the streets are under attack from the waves of terminator-drones. The Kryptonians are making a better show of defending themselves this time with superpowers, but some are still being killed (and it will get much worse). Zod’s response is immediate and devastating: he attempts to penetrate the ship’s forcefield through brute force by using the “global defense cannons” – without giving anyone enough time to get out of the way. The Kryptonians surrounding the ship are vaporized as everyone watches in horror.